Getting The Most From Your Leisure Time |
If you are the person who has a big block of
leisure time or free time, the finest way to put that into use is to unwind,
rest, unzip from a hectic schedule, or hang out with your family. But if you
have just got a little amount of time – say 6 to 12 minutes – leisure time is a
luxury, therefore there’s no time to waste your leisure time.
Here’s a tip for getting the most from your leisure time:
1. Manage Your Time Wisely.
If you have a limited amount of
leisure time each week, it makes sense to manage what you have so that you can
have a good time. Instead of doing your household chores extend over the
weekends, try to do it ahead of time, especially the things that you hate to
do. You will discover that you will appreciate your leisure time when you
dedicate yourself to it.
2. Saying ‘”no” is OK.
Every person has the right to say “NO”. If
you find it rigorously to have a free or leisure time for yourself, you have
the right to say no. The only cause why people feel they don’t have the right
is they choose to handle all of those things even though others can do it or
you don’t have the guts to hand over it to others. In saying no, learn to say
it in a proper way so that the other person concerned can understand and agree
to it.
3. Set
your goals and priorities.
Think of
the goals you want to attain. It can be personal and/or professional. Putting
time to all of these goals cannot fit your leisure time or free time. So you
have to rank these goals in order to know which are the least and most in your
priorities. Knowing your goals and priorities strengthen your reasons for
saying no and handling your leisure time wisely.
4. Create
a list and keep it simple.
a list can make your free time more productive. List down all of the things you
want to do in a day (e.g. play basketball with your friends or eat some grilled
pork) by making this list of things you could be more likely to consider about
how you can manage your time and in part in things that interest and fascinate
you. In making these lists make sure that the time and the things you want to
do can fit each other.